1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the toot.lgbt moderators.

  1. No explicit material depicting gore or death
  2. No explicit or suggestive material containing any depiction of an individual that appears to be under 18
  3. No harassment, doxxing, stalking, or other methods of disregarding consent
  4. No scams (including cryptocurrency and NFTs)
  5. No misinformation about but not limited to health, politics, or groups
  6. No explicit or implicit discriminatory or hateful speech about any protected class (gender, race, veteran status, religion, immigration status, nationality, disability etc.)
  7. No "reply guy" behavior
  8. No spamming, paid advertising, or corporate marketing
  9. No content otherwise considered illegal in the US, Canada or Europe
  10. Content which is sexually suggestive, sexually explicit, relates to trauma, depicts violence, or includes discussion or depiction of transphobic content must have an appropriate content warning
  11. Just all around please don't be a jerk